Is there a tea that is more targeted at weight loss (slimming tea)?
Lotus leaf tea has also been in the Chinese diet for a long time. There is evidence of its use being associated with functions such as the lowering blood lipid levels and treatment of obesity.
The lotus leaf, mixed with common tea leaves and made into tea, is a potent concoction for preventing heatstroke, lowering blood lipid levels and treating obesity. [Chinese Medicine]
We offer a herbal tea mainly made of lotus leaf and Wulong (Oolong) tea. It is a pleasant drink for summer time, as well as keeping you in a natural shape: Lotus leaf herbal tea
If you are interested in trying out some samples of our Wulong/Oolong tea or Lotus Leaf Tea, send a self addressed & stamp ($1) attached envelopment indicating what tea(s) you are interested in to: Valley Green Tea, 77a Letitia St, Oatley 2223, we will send some samples out to you.