Interest in green teas' natural health benefits, especially in the area of preventing life style related health conditions has been intensifying during the recent years.
Green tea has been consumed in China for more than 2000 years. It is believed to be one of, if not the original form of teas. Over the centuries, it has have been purported to have long term health benefits. These benefits have been studied intensively in recent years at various health/medical departments. (For original research articles and results, please visit PudMed at: The study of health benefits of tea drinking has also been extended to other types of teas such as WHITE TEA, YELLOW TEA, OOLONG/WULONG TEA and PU-ERH TEA.
Shennong's Herbal is the first recorded Chinese herb dictionary. It recorded 365 herbs more than 2000 years ago. The herbs were individual tasted and tested by Shennong – one of the earliest Chinese herbal pharmacists. The book states: “Shennong tasted hundreds of herbs. He was in contact with poisons daily. Regular tea drinking kept him free of sickness and stayed healthy.” The statement summarises an ancient Chinese acknowledgement for teas: a beverage for enjoyment and a herb for health.
So what are the conditions currently studied that tea drinking may beniift from?
"Drinking tea slakes thirst, aids digestion, keeps off disease, shortens the time for sleeping, relieves water retention, improves eyesight, brings clear thinking and removes disturbances; Humans should not miss tea drinking for even a single day.” Zhang Qiande in a Treatise on Tea.